Minggu, 24 Januari 2016

Yaa Ghaaliban Ghayra Maghluub

Yaa Ghaaliban Ghayra Maghluub
Posted on January 16, 2014 by IDHaqqani

“Ketika orang-orang di Syam (Suriah) diperintahkan untuk berhenti (oleh pemerintah), mereka harus berhenti dan bacalah, “Yaa Ghaaliban Ghayra Maghluub!  Yaa Ghaaliban Ghayra Maghluub!  Yaa Ghaaliban Ghayra Maghluub!  Biarkan mereka membacanya.  Kalian mengerti?  Tidak perlu senjata, ini lebih hebat.  Kemudian setelah itu mereka lanjutkan dengan membaca, “RabbunAllah, HasbunAllah! RabbunAllah, HasbunAllah! RabbunAllah, HasbunAllah! RabbunAllah, HasbunAllah!” Dan lihatlah apakah ada pasukan mereka yang tersisa! Ini sudah cukup untuk membuat jantung mereka meledak!

Angels will surely descend on Sham. They must not use weapons! Grandshaykh (q) once told me that Sham will be surrounded by 700 angels, 700 jinn, and 700 Awliya from the Budala, Nujaba, Nuqaba, Awtaad, Akhyaar; they will descend on Sham and give them what they deserve. Our spiritual support is hazir (present) ready there! They invited us to be there too. Okay, so be patient.”

“When the people of Sham (Syria) are ordered to stop (by the officials), they should stop and recite: “Yaa ghaaliban ghayra maghloob! Yaa ghaaliban ghayra maghloob! Yaa ghaaliban ghayra maghloob! Let them recite this. Do you understand? No one needs a weapon, this is more powerful. Then afterwards, they should go on to recite, “RabbunAllah, HasbunAllah! RabbunAllah, HasbunAllah! RabbunAllah, HasbunAllah! RabbunAllah, HasbunAllah!” And see if any of their forces will remain! ! This will be enough to have their hearts explode.

Angels will surely descend on Sham. They must not use weapons! Grandshaykh (q) once told me that Sham will be surrounded by 700 angels, 700 jinn, and 700 Awliya from the Budala, Nujaba, Nuqaba, Awtaad, Akhyaar; they will descend on Sham and give them what they deserve. Our spiritual support is hazir (present) ready there! They invited us to be there too. Okay, so be patient.”

Sayyidi Mawlana Syekh Nazim Al Haqqani

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